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libkcrt Directory Reference



file  __cxa_atexit.cpp
 Stub implementation of the C++ application exit function dispatcher.
file  abort.cpp
 Stub C standard library abort() function.
file  close.cpp
 Stub C standard library close() function.
file  fstat.cpp
 Stub C standard library fstat() function.
file  isatty.cpp
 Stub implementation of the POSIX isatty() function.
file  lseek.cpp
 Stub lseek() implementation for the C standard library.
file  open.cpp
 Stub implementation of the C standard library function open().
file  read.cpp
 Stub implementation of the C standard library function read().
file  sbrk.cpp
 Stubbed out sbrk() function for the C standard library.
file  write.cpp

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