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Atomic Operations
[Intel IA32 (32-bit) Architecture]

Collaboration diagram for Atomic Operations:

Detailed Description

This module contains inline functions providing some basic atomic (non-interruptible) operation which can be used to build higher-level serialization constructs.

All zygoma ports MUST provide these functions.


typedef int Zygoma::ia32::AtomicWord
 A platform-specific atomically-addressable value.


AtomicWord Zygoma::ia32::atomicExchange (volatile AtomicWord *mem, int value)
 Atomically exchanges the value found at "mem" with the value passed in as "value," returns the original value found at "mem".
AtomicWord Zygoma::ia32::atomicExchangeAndAdd (volatile AtomicWord *mem, int value)
 Atomically sets the value at "mem" to "value," returns the sum of "value" and the value originally found at "mem".
void Zygoma::ia32::atomicAdd (volatile AtomicWord *mem, int value)
 Atomically adds "value" to the value stored at "mem," stores result at "mem.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int Zygoma::ia32::AtomicWord

A platform-specific atomically-addressable value.

Not all operations on this value are guaranteed to be atomic, but those operations that are atomic work on values of this type.

Function Documentation

void Zygoma::ia32::atomicAdd volatile AtomicWord mem,
int  value

Atomically adds "value" to the value stored at "mem," stores result at "mem.


mem A pointer to an atomic word in memory.
value A value to be added to the value of the atomic word pointed to by mem.

AtomicWord Zygoma::ia32::atomicExchange volatile AtomicWord mem,
int  value

Atomically exchanges the value found at "mem" with the value passed in as "value," returns the original value found at "mem".

mem A pointer to an atomic word in memory.
value A value to be written to the atomic word pointed to by mem.
The original value at mem.

AtomicWord Zygoma::ia32::atomicExchangeAndAdd volatile AtomicWord mem,
int  value

Atomically sets the value at "mem" to "value," returns the sum of "value" and the value originally found at "mem".

mem A pointer to an atomic word in memory.
value A value to be written to the atomic word pointed to by mem.
The original value at mem.

Generated on Fri Sep 2 10:45:03 2005 for zygoma by doxygen 1.4.2